I am a certified dog trainer with a Certificate III in Dog Behaviour and Training. This comprehensive entry-level course provides a strong foundation in the dog training industry, covering a wide range of essential skills.
In 2024, I completed my TAE qualification, enabling me to collaborate with Precise Training to deliver the Certificate III in Dog Behaviour and Training.
I not only completed this course but was also involved in its development before it was launched. The course provides an in-depth exploration of dog training and behavior and serves as a precursor to CERT Academy's Level 4 courses, which I have also contributed to.
This course encompasses a wide range of subjects, including animal behavior and learning theory, scent detection, obedience, technical skills, search and rescue, scent identification, puppy and young dog development, canine health, nutrition, and more.
I have completed the TASK-9 Professional Working and Service Dog Trainers (WSDT) Course, which is a comprehensive and advanced certification program in the working and service dog industry.
This course offers unparalleled education across all facets of the working dog world, covering areas such as scent detection, obedience, technical skills, law enforcement applications, tracking, and search operations.
The program emphasised practical skill development for dogs in working and service roles while equipping me with extensive knowledge and certifications across multiple specialist fields.
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